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Address: Floor 1, Building 2, Quanshengchang Industrial Park, Buyong Shajing Road, Shajing Street, Shenzhen

Contact: Mr. Li 18681482740

Email: lilinhan1314@126.com

Website: www.dy326.cn

  • Positioning claw contact shrapnel
Product Introduction
Contact shrapnel is a mechanical part that uses elasticity to work. Generally made of metal shrapnel steel. It is used to control the movement of parts, alleviate impact or vibration, store energy, measure the size of force, etc. It is widely used in machines and instruments. The types of hardware shrapnel are complex and diverse. According to the shape, they mainly include positive contact, power supply shrapnel, and contact mother shrapnel. Contact shrapnel belongs to the category of metal stamping parts and electronic hardware materials. It is made of stainless steel or manganese after heat treatment. It is an important part of the switch. With the help of the conductivity of the metal shrapnel, it can play a high-quality switch between the operator and the product. At the same time, using the stable resilience of the guozi (automatically return after pressing), and the long life, provide the operator with high-quality tactile feedback!
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