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Address: Floor 1, Building 2, Quanshengchang Industrial Park, Buyong Shajing Road, Shajing Street, Shenzhen

Contact: Mr. Li 18681482740

Email: lilinhan1314@126.com

Website: www.dy326.cn

  • Precision drawing stamping parts
Product Introduction
The essence of the production safety of precision metal drawing stamping parts processing: 1. Protecting the life safety and occupational health of the drawing parts workers is the most fundamental and profound connotation of the drawing parts safety production, and is the core of the safety production of the drawing parts. 2. The safety production of the maximum protection of stretch parts is highlighted. 3. Highlight the protection in the process of producing stretched parts. 4. The production protection of stretched parts under certain historical conditions is highlighted. Our company upholds the definition and essence of safe production of tensile parts, guarantees the safe production of tensile parts, and hopes the supervision of staff and the society.
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